Useful information about troubleshooting some problems.

Tackling problems can be frustrating sometimes but we are here for you at every step.

How to back up your files?

Navigate to:

""""image of location""""

Back up "MCTL" folder

Back up your "MCTL" folder into a safe storage space.


Initialization 51 error

Check if you turn on the power button of your machine.

"""button çizim"""

Check if your emergency button is pressed. If pressed please release by rotating it.

"""e button çizim"""

Check if your usb cable that is connected to your tablet pc is loose or disconnected. Rarely usb ports might be malfunctioning therefore you can check by changing the usb port as well.

Your communication card or logosol board might be defective.

If you are skilled and/or experienced with our machines you can order the parts needed from "Spare parts" tab.

Motor power is off error

Check if the emergency button is pressed.

Motor power is off problem could be because of motor,driver or cable problem.

If you are skilled and/or experienced with our machines you can order the parts needed from "Spare parts" tab.

Tools pickup station positioning issue

Your motor might have lost position and needed to be corrected.

Axes move intermittently

Check your latency timer. 
Turn the CNC software off.

Navigate to:


Proceed to latency timer


Change the value to 1 and click okay. 

Required parameters missing

Check if the contents ToolGroups file deleted.

Navigate to:

"""image""" nagitayion
"""image""" file seçip açma

Replace the file with provided file here:

Copy and replace this file. *** verebiliyorsak toolgroups linki vermek lazım indirebilsinler***

Check the contents of the CNC offset.bak file.

Navigate to:


Check the "LOGOSOL_CNC.OFFSETS" file


If there are values like the example above note them and enter them to your program by logging in with "9362"

Navigate to "Work offsets" tab.

Changing Work offsets

If there are values like the example above note them and enter them to your program by logging in with "9362"

Navigate to "Work offsets" tab.

If the contents in "LOGOSOL_CNC.OFFSETS" is empty

wor origin videosu ekle********

Required parameters out of range

Select your active parts offset.


Communication error

Check if your usb cable that is connected to your tablet pc is loose or disconnected.
● Rarely usb ports might be malfunctioning therefore you can check by changing the usb port as well.

Chiller alarms

The chiller alarm could indicate that there is no circulation on your chiller. If this is the case then you should check:


● Check if chiller hoses folded or bended in any way that could prevent the circulation.

● Blow air to either "Chiller in" with an air gun or hose to see if the air is coming out from the "Chiller out" 

● Remove the chiller hose from the machine's back panel and insert them into the chiller filling lid and start your spindle manually from the machine.

"""araya çizim yada video kısa"""

● If there is not flow from the hoses, most probably your pump is faulty and needs to be changed.

● If there is flow from the hoses, most probably your flow sensor is faulty and needs to be changed.

If you are skilled and/or experienced with our machines you can order the parts needed from "Spare parts" tab.

Software B+ limit violation

Check your CAM software B angles:

Navigate to preperation tab


Check B angles of your jobs and correct the angles


Software Z+ limit violation

Check if your Z value is too high.
This can be caused by if you enter your standard calibration's Z value wrong or if you accidentally forgot to enter comma between the value.
"""image koy yanlış girilmiş değer ile jog panelin solu"""

Measure all the tools your program using with "Replace tool" button.

You can check how to use "Replace tool" button in User guide section.

Put tool error

Check your air.
"""image of air indicator on and off"""

Check if the tool is being put in the pick up station centered.
You can find here how to adjust the pick up station positions.

Check if the contents of the "ToolGroups" file is missing.
Turn the CNC program off.
Navigate to :"""image"""
Open the file: """image""" 
Measure all the tools your program using with "Replace tool" button.

You can check how to use "Replace tool" button in User guide section.

Error during tool measurement

Check your air.
"""image of air indicator on and off"""

Check if your tool measurement sensor probe is getting stuck.
● You can check it by manually pressing down with your hand.

Check if allowed difference values deleted.
● Log in with password "9362"
● Go on to Tools table tab
● Check the values off allowed difference
Enter the values and click on save down below.

Tool replacement table content show all "0"

Check your regional setting. """image of air indicator on and off"""

Navigate to:

"""image""" nagitayion
"""image""" file seçip açma

Replace the file with provided file here:

Copy and replace this file. *** verebiliyorsak toolgroups linki vermek lazım indirebilsinler***

Check if the contents ToolGroups file deleted.

Navigate to:

"""image""" nagitayion
"""image""" file seçip açma

Replace the file with provided file here:

Copy and replace this file. *** verebiliyorsak toolgroups linki vermek lazım indirebilsinler***

Tool measurement error on line #X

Check your air.
"""image of air indicator on and off"""

Check if your tool measurement sensor probe is getting stuck.
● You can check it by manually pressing down with your hand.

Product added to wishlist
Product added to compare.